Returning to the University after Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, or Suspension
Under what circumstances would a student need to apply for readmission?
When a student has not been enrolled at the university because of a withdrawal, leave of absence, or suspension, they need to apply for readmission in order to return.
Am I eligible to apply for readmission to the College?
Students who have been suspended from the University are eligible to return once their term of suspension is over.
Students who withdrew from the previous semester within the last 10 days of the semester are required to sit out for one semester before they are eligible to return.
Students who have withdrawn from two consecutive semesters are required to sit out for two semesters before they are eligible to return.
Students who left UVA and transferred to another university must apply as Transfer Students through the Office of Admissions and cannot use the process described below.
What is the process for applying for readmission to the College?
- Preliminary Steps
- Check the College Calendar for relevant readmission deadlines.
- Log into SIS and check for holds on your account. If you see holds, contact the relevant offices to get them cleared (Student Financial Services, your Advising Dean, the Office of the Dean of Students, etc.).
- Make sure that your UVA email is working since this is the email that the university will use for correspondence about your readmission.
- Make an appointment with your Academic Advising Dean in the College to discuss your academic plans and your readiness to return.
- Complete the Returning to the University Form in SIS
- Log into SIS and find the Returning to the University form. Make sure to answer all questions on the form, including the statement of readiness and academic plan described below.
Provide a statement about your readiness to return to the University and what you have been doing since you left. This statement should address the reason(s) you originally left the University, what you have done in the interim, and why you believe you are now prepared to return to study.
Provide an academic plan that includes a list of the classes you plan to take in the upcoming year. It should also include the following, as relevant to your year:
a plan to complete your general education requirements
a plan to declare or complete your major(s) and minor(s)
a plan to complete your degree on time in your remaining full-time semesters
- Submit a Declaration or Deferral of Major Form
If you are returning for your 5th full-time semester, you must submit a Declaration of Major form. If you are unable to declare a major, you may defer your major for one semester while you complete prerequisites.
If you are returning for your 6th semester or later, you must submit a Declaration of Major form.
If you had a minor, you will also need to redeclare that.
If you have been away for more than 4 semesters, you must go through a different readmission process, described below. Students who have been away should be aware that major and minor requirements might have changed and that you will be held to the requirements that are in effect at the time of your readmission.
Academic Advising Deans
Academic Planning Overview
When and How to Declare Your Major
Instructions for students returning from a medical withdrawal
If you withdrew for medical reasons, including mental health reasons, you will need to complete an additional process through Student Health and Wellness. In addition to the readmission process described above, you should also complete these steps.
When that process is complete, Student Health and Wellness will let the Office of the Dean of Students and your Academic Advising Dean know.
Instructions for students returning after four semesters away
When students have been away for 24 continuous months or longer, they must prepare an application composed of the following materials:
- a personal statement that addresses the student’s readiness to return to the University in light of any serious difficulties or extenuating circumstances related to their absence
- the student’s academic plan for their remaining semesters
- the College of Arts and Sciences readmission form
- medical clearance documentation, if applicable
Students should meet with their Advising Dean for guidance in preparing these materials. The Advising Dean will submit the complete application to the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office. The Dean’s Office must certify that all readmission materials are complete and make a recommendation to the Provost’s Committee on Student Readmission on the student’s academic readiness to be readmitted to the University.
The College will review all previous coursework but there is no guarantee that any or all previous coursework will be recertified for degree completion upon readmission. If approved for readmission, students will be required to meet the degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission.
There is no guarantee that a petition for readmission will be approved.
Students who are subject to the Contributory Mental/Medical Disorder (CMD) review process should consult the Office of the Dean of Students on the process for returning to the University.
Qualified members of the United States armed forces have certain rights under state and federal law when their education is interrupted for a service connected reason and should consult the Undergraduate Record and/or Virginia’s Office of the Attorney General for additional information.
You will be notified via your UVA email of the University's decision.
Instructions for international students
International students on an F1 or J1 student visa must also contact the International Studies Office to determine their eligibility to re-enter the U.S. and resume their studies. They will need written clearance from the International Studies Office and should reach out to that office as soon as possible to determine eligibility.