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What is Academic Suspension?

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences are required to meet certain conditions for Good Academic Standing every semester. A student who doesn’t meet all of these conditions in a given semester is placed on Academic Warning

If a student fails to meet the conditions for good standing in 2 consecutive semesters, they are subject to Academic Suspension. Furthermore, if a student fails to earn at least 9 grade points in a given semester, they are subject to suspension, regardless of whether they were on Academic Warning.  

Students who are placed on Academic Suspension are unable to reenroll until 2 semesters have passed. They are also unable to transfer credits taken elsewhere during their suspension. 

Why does the College suspend students?

The College does not suspend students as a punishment. Rather, experience teaches that when UVA students fail to meet the conditions for good standing, there is often something interfering with their academic focus. This might be something going on in their family or personal life or a physical or mental health issue. By stepping away from formal academic studies for a year, students can address the issues that are interfering with their academic success. When students are pursuing a major or course of study that is no longer feasible, the time away can provide the opportunity to reflect on academic goals and find an alternate pathway toward achieving those goals.

I think I have incurred Academic Suspension. What do I do?

When you incur Academic Suspension, your Advising Dean will reach out to you to initiate a conversation. 

Learning that you have been suspended from UVA for two semesters can be difficult. We understand that students who find themselves in this position are often already dealing with challenging circumstances. 

Your Academic Advising Dean will help you think about how you will spend your time away from UVA so that you can continue to work toward your goals. They can help you think about how to share this difficult news with your family and can also help you access other support resources. 

While time away was likely not in your plans, students typically report that it was, in fact, an important time of healing or growth. Your Academic Advising Dean will explain the timeline and process for returning to UVA when it is time to welcome you back. 

How should I spend my year away from UVA?

Students choose to spend the year away in whatever way best suits them and their circumstances. Students experiencing health crises use the time to focus on their health and well-being. Students experiencing personal or family issues can focus on resolving these draws on their time and attention. Many students discover new interests—and a new academic path—through work, internships, or volunteering. Students almost invariably report that their time away was overall a positive time of personal growth. 

Can I appeal my Academic Suspension?

Students who are subject to suspension are notified by their Academic Advising Dean during the end-of-semester audit. They will receive an email that provides a link to a formal secure notification. They must notify their Advising Dean immediately if they intend to appeal. The student’s Advising Dean will ask the student to make an appointment to discuss the reasons for the appeal and the student’s academic plans. The student then consults with their Advising Dean to write a Statement of Appeal. The Dean will present the student’s appeal to a committee of Advising Deans who will discuss the case and vote on whether to uphold the suspension or to grant a “Suspension in Abeyance.” 

If your appeal is successful, you will be granted a “Suspension in Abeyance.” This means you will be allowed to enroll in the upcoming semester under the conditions specified by the Academic Advising Deans. If you don’t meet the conditions for good standing at the end of the semester or if you withdraw from the semester, your Academic Suspension will be reinstated. Students cannot study abroad while on Suspension in Abeyance status. They must first regain Good Academic Standing.

Contact your Advising Dean for guidance if you are interested in appealing your Academic Suspension. 

What are some other consequences of Academic Suspension?

Academic Suspension can also affect financial aid, athletic ability, and international student status. Consult with the appropriate offices to make sure you understand these consequences.

Academic Suspension notation will appear on your official UVA transcript.

It is important to work with your Academic Advising Dean when you return from suspension so that you can make progress toward your academic goals. Students who incur Academic Suspension for a second time are unable to return to UVA.


Last updated: June 6, 2024
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