Scholarships and Grants Overview
Small Research and Travel Grants
The College of Arts and Sciences grants small research and travel grants to students conducting research, engaging in artistic activities, or presenting their own research at professional conferences. Learn more on our Small Research and Travel Grants page.
Small Research and Travel Grants
Deans’ Scholarships
Check out these scholarships exclusively available for students in the College of Arts and Sciences.
College of Arts & Sciences Deans’ Scholarships
Office of Citizen Scholar Development (external to the College)
The Office of Citizen Scholar Development is UVA’s fellowships office. They have numerous scholarships, awards, and research programs available for undergraduate students.
Office of Citizen Scholar Development
University of Virginia Alumni Association (external to the College)
The University of Virginia Alumni Association administers more than 250 different scholarships ranging from modest stipends to full tuition, room and board. Many of these scholarships are available through an application process independent of the University’s financial aid process.