Advice for Selecting and Enrolling in Classes
Feeling a little overwhelmed when it's time to enroll in classes? See below for some tips!
When do I enroll in classes?
College of Arts & Sciences undergraduate students select courses for the upcoming semester during the pre-enrollment period (typically November for spring classes and April for fall classes). Look for emails from the University Registrar and the College regarding important enrollment dates. Your enrollment appointment—the date and time you will be able to start enrolling in classes for the upcoming semester, J-term, or summer session—will become visible in SIS shortly before the enrollment period begins each semester.
What essentials should I keep in mind as I enroll in classes?
- Check the Academic Calendar for College deadlines related to advising and class drop, add and withdrawal. The College takes deadlines seriously so check the calendar and your enrollments regularly. You are bound to the deadlines of the school offering the course.
- All students are limited to 15 credits until the open enrollment period, at which point the credit cap is increased to 18.
- If you want to take 19 or more credits, you must submit the Credit Hour Overload form which becomes available two weeks before classes begin. The class you want to add must have open seats; you can look this up in SIS.
- Pro Tip: To enroll in Spanish, French, German, or Italian courses take the UVA placement diagnostic at least 10 days in advance of your enrollment appointment.
What do I do about Enrollment Holds?
If you have a "hold" on your SIS account, you will not be able to enroll in classes. Most students will have an "Advising Hold" that will be lifted by your advisor when you meet for course enrollment advising. But make sure to check your Student Center in SIS to see if you have any other holds. Find out how to resolve these holds so that you can enroll in classes.
Step 1: Check your Academic Requirements Report in SIS to see what requirements you need to satisfy
- Log into UVA’s SIS (Student Information System). See how to use SIS.
- Check your Academic Requirement (AR) report which lists:
- the courses you have completed
- the courses you are currently enrolled in
- completed general education, degree, major and minor requirements
- remaining general education, degree, major and minor requirements
- Make a plan to satisfy your remaining degree requirements for the College of Arts & Sciences.
Pro Tip: Choose your courses with a plan to finish your general education requirements first, and before the start of your third year.
Step 2: Select 5 courses from the Schedule of Classes in SIS
Most College of A&S students take 15-16 credits per semester, which is usually five courses.
- Check the Schedule of Classes in SIS to see what is being offered in the upcoming semester.
- Select several alternate classes for each of your top choices. Some classes fill up quickly, so there may be occasions when you will have to enroll in an alternate class. Place all classes you may want to take into your Shopping Cart.
- Include discussion sections and labs as you select your classes. Select zero-credit labs, drills, workshops, and discussions where required. You must follow the same procedure to select these as you do any other class.
- Students must be enrolled (for a grade, CR/NC, or audit) to participate in a class.
Step 3: Schedule a meeting with your pre-major advisor
- Schedule an appointment with your pre-major advisor to review your course selections and your academic progress. Contact your advisor directly if they have not created an electronic calendar. You can find the name of your advisor(s) on your Student Center in SIS under "Program Advisor".
- Ask your advisor how they plan to meet with you-- in person, via Zoom, by phone, etc.
- Remind your advisor to release your advising hold after your meeting. You can view your enrollment date and time in the SIS Student Center.
Step 4: Enroll, add, drop, or swap courses by the deadlines listed on the Academic Calendar
- Enroll in courses using SIS beginning on the enrollment date and time listed in your Student Center.
- Make any schedule changes (add, drop, withdraw).
- Make any changes to your grading options (credit/no credit (CR/NC), audit) by the add deadline.
- After you have enrolled in courses, verify the accuracy of your enrollments before the drop deadline.
Step 5: Checking your schedule and your AR report again
Check and double-check your schedule in SIS-- before the add/drop deadlines!
- Check your schedule for errors
- Make any necessary changes, such as dropping courses you are not attending, or adding courses you are attending by the stated deadlines
- Verify the accuracy of your enrollments in SIS each time you make a change
Students should be sure that they are on track to graduate on time in terms of College requirements, major and minor requirements, credits earned, GPA, etc. It is strongly recommended that students check their AR Report on a regular basis and before and after any enrollment changes (add, drop, withdraw, etc.) are made.
Questions about or problems with College requirements should be directed to the Office of the College Registrar (138 Monroe Hall); questions on major or minor requirements should be directed to the department.
Tips for using SIS
Canceled and Rescheduled Classes
It sometimes happens that the College has to cancel or reschedule a class after enrollment has occurred. College students who need assistance when a class is canceled or moved (for any reason) should contact their academic advisor, the Director of the Undergraduate Program or their Advising Dean.