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Final Exams Schedule

Final exams are given during a designated period of time at the end of each semester. The final exam date and time for each course is published on the UREG website each semester. Exams in classes that do not fit the regular class times listed on the UREG exam schedule are scheduled by the instructor to avoid conflicts as best as possible and allowing for individual arrangements.

Rescheduling Final Exams

Faculty members are not authorized to change the scheduled times of their final exams. Such changes may be authorized only by the Dean’s Office, and then only for compelling reasons. All students must have the opportunity to take the exam at the time listed on the UREG web site

Postponing a Final Exam or Requesting an Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade

When genuinely extenuating circumstances exist, course instructors may allow individual students to postpone a final exam until later in the final exam period, or to take an Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade and take their exam after the final exam period. Students are not permitted to take a final exam before its regularly scheduled time. Students who are granted an Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade have four weeks from the end of final exams to complete their remaining course work (unless the instructor imposes an earlier deadline).

Exam Postponement

To request a postponement of their final exam until later in the final exam period, a student should submit a Final Exam Postponement Form through DocuSign. This form goes through DocuSign to the instructor for their approval and then to the Office of Undergraduate Education.  

The criteria for requesting a Final Exam Postponement are:

  • Three exams scheduled on two consecutive days
  • Four or five exams scheduled on two consecutive days
  • Two exams scheduled at the same time
  • Serious and extenuating other circumstances

Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade

To request a postponement of their final exam or other assignment until after the end of the semester, a student should come to an agreement with their instructor about how and when incomplete work will be completed. Then, the student should submit an Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade Form through DocuSign. This form goes through DocuSign to the instructor for their approval, and then to the student's Advising Dean for final approval. 

An Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade is most appropriate when a student is experiencing extenuating circumstances and:

  • The student has a solid attendance record
  • The student is not failing the class
  • The student has completed approximately 75% or more of the work for a class
  • The student has consulted with the instructor to develop a viable plan for completing the coursework within the allotted 4 week period
  • The student is requesting no more than 2 incomplete grades

Students and instructors with questions about the appropriateness of an Extension of Time / Incomplete Grade should reach out to the student's Advising Dean.  




Find instructions and links to key forms for students in the College.
Last updated: December 5, 2024
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