World Language Requirement Placement and Contact Information
All students in the College of Arts and Sciences must satisfy the World Language Requirement
American Sign Language
The diagnostic interview consists of a conversation with one or two ASL faculty members that follows the progression of the curriculum along with a short, written quiz covering Deaf culture. Afterward, your recommended placement will be discussed with you. The process takes about 20 minutes.
Placement Index
ASL 1010 – no previous ASL
ASL 1020 – grade of C- or better in ASL 1010 or departmental placement
ASL 2010 – grade of C- or better in ASL 1020 or departmental placement
ASL 2020 – grade of C- or better in ASL 2010 or departmental placement
Gregory Propp
Arrangements to take the diagnostic must be made individually with the Arabic Language Coordinator at the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures.
Placement Index
ARAB 1010 – No previous Arabic
ARAB 1020 – ARAB 1010 or departmental placement
ARAB 2010 – ARAB 1020 or departmental placement
ARAB 2020 – ARAB 2010 or departmental placement
Bilal Humeidan
The Chinese placement diagnostic can be found on the Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures website.
An AP score of 5 or IB score of 7 means your World Language Requirement is fulfilled.
Placement Index
CHIN 1010 – no previous Chinese
CHIN 1020 – grade of C in CHIN 1010 or departmental placement
CHIN 1060 – departmental placement
CHIN 2010 – grade of C in CHIN 1020 or departmental placement
CHIN 2020 – grade of C in CHIN 2010 or departmental placement
CHIN 2060 – grade of C in CHIN 1060 or departmental placement
Ran Zhao
Placement is online. New students must take the online placement 10 days before the date referenced in the welcome letter sent by the College of Arts & Sciences. If you miss that window, take it as soon as possible. Please refer to the placement chart on the French Placement Page for more information.
Karen Simroth James
Placement is online. New students must take the online placement 10 days before the date referenced in the welcome letter sent by the College of Arts & Sciences. If you miss that window, take it as soon as possible. Please refer to the German Placement Chart for more information on placement.
Marcel Schmid
Hebrew (Biblical)
Students with placement questions regarding Biblical Hebrew may contact Greg Schmidt Goering by email.
Gregory Schmidt Goering
Hebrew (Modern)
Students with placement questions regarding Modern Hebrew may contact Zvi Gilboa by email. Placement questions can be addressed each semester. An SAT II Subject Test score of > 560 means your World Language Requirement is fulfilled.
Zvi Gilboa
Arrangements to take the diagnostic must be made individually with the Hindi/Urdu Language Coordinator at the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures. Placement/proficiency interviews will be conducted on a student-by-student basis, and each one will probably take 15 minutes or less.
Placement Index
HIND 1010 – no previous Hindi or Urdu
HIND 1020 – HIND 1010 or equivalent, permission of instructor or placement diagnostic administered by Hindi/Urdu faculty
HIND 2010 – HIND 1020 or equivalent, permission of instructor or placement diagnostic administered by Hindi/Urdu faculty
HIND 2020 – HIND 2010 or equivalent, permission of instructor or placement diagnostic administered by Hindi/Urdu faculty
Abdul Nasir
New students must take the online placement 10 days before the date referenced in the welcome letter sent by the College of Arts & Sciences. If you miss that window, take it as soon as possible. Continuing students can take it at any time 10 days before enrollment.
Please refer to the Italian Placement chart for more information.
Sarah Annunziato
The Fall placement will be conducted online. The diagnostic consists of two parts:
- Timed written (multiple choice, short answers) that asses basic knowledge such as grammar, vocabulary, and basic language skills including a short writing sample in Japanese.
- Oral Interview with a Japanese instructor in Japanese for about 10 minutes.
For more information and to register for the Japanese placement please visit the program website.
Placement Index
JAPN 1010 – no previous Japanese
JAPN 1020 – JAPN 1010 or placement diagnostic administered by the UVA Japanese program
JAPN 2010 – JAPN 1020 or placement diagnostic administered by the UVA Japanese program
JAPN 2020 – JAPN 2010 or placement diagnostic administered by the UVA Japanese program
The placement of all other Japanese (JAPN) courses is determined by the UVA Japanese program placement diagnostic.
- An SAT II Subject Test score of >700 and/or AP-Japanese score of 5 means your World Language Requirement is fulfilled.
Mieko Kawai
All Korean Placement will be conducted online. Find more information and sign-up for Korean language placement. Students will receive instructions by email.
The placement consists of two parts: reading/writing and an oral interview. The reading/writing diagnostic normally takes 90 minutes, and the oral interview is 10 minutes long.
Yoon Hwa Choi
The Latin placement is online. Please contact Coulter George to register for the diagnostic and receive instructions on how to take it.
An SAT II Test score of 650 or higher means your World Language Requirement is fulfilled.
- A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Latin literature or Vergil exam means your World Language Requirement is fulfilled; 3 credits are earned for a 3000-level course determined by the department.
- If you have studied Latin previously but have NOT taken the SAT II exam you will need to take the department's online Latin placement diagnostic prior to summer orientation.
Placement Index
LATI 1010 – no previous Latin or 1-2 years of high school Latin and an SAT II Subject Test score of < 490
LATI 1020 – LATI 1010
LATI 1030 – 1-2 years of high school Latin and an SAT II Subject Test score of 490-570 or 3+ years of high school Latin and an SAT II Test score of < 580
LATI 2010 – LATI 1020 or LATI 1030, or 2+ years of high school Latin and an SAT II Test score of 580-640
LATI 2020 – LATI 2010
Coulter George
For placement in Persian, students should contact the Persian Language Program Coordinator.
Placement Index
PERS 1010 – no previous Persian
PERS 1020 – PERS 1010 or equivalent or placement diagnostic administered by Persian faculty
PERS 2010 – PERS 1020 or equivalent or placement diagnostic administered by Persian faculty
PERS 2020 – PERS 2010 or equivalent or placement diagnostic administered by Persian faculty
Mahshad Mohit
Students with questions about Polish language placement should contact Professor Dariusz Tolczyk.
Dariusz Tolczyk
Students with questions regarding Portuguese placement should contact Eli Carter.
Completion of PORT 2120 or 2050 satisfies the World Language Requirement.
Placement Index
PORT 1110 – working knowledge of another world language or some previous knowledge of Portuguese
PORT 2120 – PORT 1110 or equivalent
Eli Carter
First-year and transfer students interested in taking the Russian language placement diagnostic should contact Professor Anna Borovskaya-Ellis.
Placement Index
RUSS 1010 – no previous Russian
RUSS 1020 – a grade of C- or better in RUSS 1010 or placement diagnostic and permission of instructor
RUSS 2010 – a grade of C- or better in RUSS 1020 or RUSS 103 or placement diagnostic and permission of instructor
RUSS 2020 – a grade of C- or better in RUSS 2010 or placement diagnostic and permission of instructor
Anna Borovskaya-Ellis
Placement into Sanskrit language courses of various levels at UVA is done through an informal diagnostic administered in person by the teacher of the language classes.
Students must make prior arrangements to take a placement diagnostic by contacting Sanskrit Language Program Coordinator Robert Hueckstedt.
Robert Hueckstedt
New students must take the online placement 10 days before the date referenced in the welcome letter sent by the College of Arts & Sciences. If you miss that window, take it as soon as possible.
Placement Index
Please refer to the Spanish Placement Chart for more information.
Kate Neff
Students with questions about Swahili language placement should contact Anne Rotich.
Anne Rotich
There is no major in Tibetan language in the department, however, students interested in a concentration in Tibetan in the East Asian Studies Major may contact David Germano.
David Germano
For questions about enrollment and placement in Turkish language courses, please contact Daniel Lefkowitz.
If you are a native speaker of Turkish and have questions about satisfying the World Language Requirement, please contact Dean Melissa Frost (mjf4xk@virginia.edu).
The Turkish language program is affiliated and does not process exemptions to the World Language Requirement.
Daniel Lefkowitz
Arrangements to take the diagnostic must be made individually with the Hindi/Urdu Language Coordinator at the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures.
Placement Index
URDU 1010 – no previous Hindi or Urdu
URDU 1020 – HIND 1010 or equivalent, instructor permission, or placement diagnostic administered by Hindi/Urdu faculty
URDU 2010 – HIND 1020 or equivalent, instructor permission, or placement diagnostic by Hindi/Urdu faculty
URDU 2020 – URDU 2010 or equivalent, instructor permission, or placement diagnostic by Hindi/Urdu faculty