Getting a Liberal Education: Articles You Must Read!

Why get a liberal education?
The reasons are excellent and endless. Below is a sampling of current articles on the topic.

Liberal Arts Education: Waste of Money or Practical Investment?
bu Susan Svrluga | Washington Post |  January 14, 2020

In the Salary Race, Engineers Sprint but English Majors Endure
By David Deming | New York Times | September 20, 2019

Humanities Grads Gainfully Employed and Happy
By Scott Jaschik | February 7, 2018
"Only 4.3 percent of those with terminal bachelor's degrees were unemployed in 2015, and the figure was under 3 percent for those with a bachelor's in a humanities field and an advanced degree in any field."

Mark Cuban: Don't go to school for finance — liberal arts is the future
"...Don't go to school for finance — liberal arts is the future."

A 29-year-old hedge fund manager reveals why he loves hiring liberal arts majors (by Frank Chaparro)
... "Students of history and literature are more trained to understand the existence of multiple perspectives and to engage with them, and so can often more accurately understand the human dynamics that drive stock market flows, Rasmussen said."...

Employers Want All Students to Study the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Four out of five employers agree that all students should acquire broad knowledge in the liberal arts and sciences.

Innovation in the Humanities: Why Modern Employers are Turning to Arts Graduates To Set Them Apart From The Crowd
"Humanities graduates are articulate, innovative and have excellent communication skills – meaning they are in increasing demand from employers. While undergraduate historians or philosophers might not be considering a career in business and technology, the skills and knowledge that humanities students acquire will set them streaks ahead of their science-based peers."

Myth: A Liberal Arts Education Is Becoming Irrelevant
Times of economic stress bring renewed scrutiny of higher education, particularly liberal arts education. Misconceptions and sound bites gain traction: If Bill Gates and Steve Jobs never earned degrees, is college really necessary? Why should taxpayers foot the bill for “pointless” departments like anthropology? Yet, judging the value of a liberal arts education, even with a purely economic calculus, shows it to be more relevant than ever before.

Enough with trashing the liberal arts. Stop being Stupid.
Trashing the liberal arts seems to have become practically a sport among some politicians these days. Maybe they think that the “liberal” in “liberal arts” is a political reference, which it isn’t.

Here's Why Nothing Prepares You For The 21st Century Like A Liberal Arts Education (Forbes)
"Fareed Zakaria’s book, In Defense of a Liberal Education, argues that it is a broad focus on a range of subjects, rather than on career or vocational skills that will prepare young people for the future. He reminds readers that the “liberal” in “liberal arts” has to do with freedom and generosity..."

If Students Are Smart, They'll Major in What They Love
"It’s that time of year again: At many colleges, second-year students must declare their majors. Uncles, grandmothers, and friends will almost certainly ask: "What are you going to do with that?""